Michael J. Nagel - November 25, 1887 (#25)
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 2 – 627 Broadway
![Michael J. Nagel](../images/lineofduty/25 Michael Nagel.jpg)
Appointed January 26, 1884
Assigned to Engine Co. 9, 1884
Assigned to Hose Co. 5, 1885
Assigned to Hook & Ladder Co. 2, 1886
Responding to Box 156, corner Fourth and Berry streets
Michael J. Nagle, Driver, Hook and Ladder No. 2, was accidentally killed by being run over by the apparatus while going to a fire.
1887 November 26
The sounding of an alarm from box 156, aft the corner of Fourth and Berry streets, for the Potrero fire, about 12:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was the indirect cause of a brave fireman losing his life. When the alarm sounded Michael J. Nagle, the driver of Truck 2, was eating his dinner, and so hastily did he mount his seat that he neglected the precaution of strapping himself in. He was driving; rapidly down Kearny street, and near the corner of Clay turned out of the way of a car which stood on the track. In turning the front wheel struck an old switch, and the jolt caused Nagle to fall from his seat. He held fast to the lines and was dragged some distance before he let go his hold. Then the wheels of the heavy truck passed over his body, inflicting fatal injuries. The team was stopped without difficulty, and the prostrate driver was conveyed to the receiving hospital. The police-surgeon made an examination and found that the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth ribs of the left side were crushed in. There was also a fracture of the processes of the spine. The unfortunate fireman suffered intensely, and the physicians made the true prediction that he could not live. He lingered until 5:45 o'clock, when he breathed his last. The body was removed to the home of the deceased at 627 Broadway. Nagle had been connected with the fire department tor six years. He was a young man of good habits, and popular among his associates.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 13966, 26 November 1887 — A FIREMAN KILLED. [ARTICLE]
1887 November 27
The funeral of Michael J. Nagle, the unfortunate fireman who was killed Friday afternoon by being thrown from his engine and run over, will take place this afternoon from his late residence on Polk street. The Fire Department and the Young Men's Institute have charge of the burial ceremonies.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 13967, 27 November 1887 — The Dead Fireman's Funeral [ARTICLE]
1887 December 7
In part
The Fire Committee of the Board of Supervisors met yesterday afternoon.
A petition of the Fire Commissioners and members of the Fire Department, praying the board to donate such sums as it may deem proper for the relief of the mother of the late M. J. Nagle, driver of hook and ladder truck No. 2, recently killed while on duty, was read. The committee are in favor of allowing $250 out of the general fund, in consideration of the fact that Nagle was killed while in the performance of his duty.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 13977, 7 December 1887 — The Fire Committee. [ARTICLE]
Extracted from original sources with grammar and spelling as published. |