1858 Rodgers & Son
A First Class Hand Engine, in the double deck Philadelphia style, hand pulled and hand pumped, with constructed advantages for drafting
Builder: John Rogers & Son, Baltimore, with a 10 inch cylinders and 8 1/2 inch stroke
Weight: 4,300 pounds
Cost: $4,219.58
Pumping Crew: 50 to 60
Condition: Fair, preserved
Service History:
July 26, 1859 Young America Engine Co. No. 6, Sacramento Fire Department
18?? Sold to the Vallejo Fire Department running as Company No. 6
August 1888 Sold to the Veteran Firemen’s Association of San Francisco
August 3, 1888 The engine arrives in San Francisco
Location: Museum
Related Articles:
1857 May 21
— The following letter, containing a specification of the new engine in process of construction by .John Rogers & Son, of Baltimore, for Young America Engine Company No. 6 of this city, (Sacramento) was received by the last mail ;
Baltimore, April 18, 1857.
Hiram Arents, Esq.. Chief Engineer Fire Department Sacramento City, Cal, and Chas. Shaw, Esq., Chairman Fire and Water Committee of the Common Council of Sacramento City, Cal., Committee to contract for Fire Engine, &c., for Young America Engine Company No. 6, Sacramento, Cal
Gentlemen :— We are in receipt of your favor of March 19th, containing an order for a first class engine and hose tender, for Young America Engine Company No. 6, of Sacramento, with the resolutions of the Common Council of your city appropriating three thousand dollars ($3000) for the same, and for which accept our thanks. As requested, we submit the following:
To build you a first class engine of annexed description, to wit: Cylinders, 10 inches diameter to suck and discharge from both sides; gallery stream, with gooseneck and cheek valve; check valves for side streams. Double brass rule joints to lever poles ; brass tips for ditto. Brass gallery pipe, in two pieces, and two brass hose pipes. Five brass nozzles; brass up waists of gallery; brass nosings to platform and rail of gallery, and brass nosings to box. Brass corner plates; brass name, motto, and corner plates to gallery. Prince's metal or iron connecting rods. Four brass receiving screws and caps. Brass caps to discharge, and sucking screws ; brass hub-bands; brass, or brassplated crab and hand-holds to tongue; patent axles ; spring fastenings to pipes, poles, &c. Mounted on springs; levers to strike on springs; folding footboards, with brass ends; brass deck screws; sucking tubes, carried on poles under box ; carved gallery ; carved side pieces, instead of hoppers: levers not to have extension brakes or folders, and same to be painted black. To be supplied with sucking tube, ropes, wrenches, spanners, &c. To have all the latest improvements, and fully mounted with brass. Coach painted in best manner; carved work bronzed and gilded. The whole to be of the best material and workmanship, for the sum of twenty eight hundred dollars ($2800)
To have the levers polished will cost one hundred ($100) extra.
To have extension brakes or folders complete, painted black, will cost two hundred dollars ($200) extra. Polished, fifty dollars ($50) additional.
To have four fancy or ornamental paintings on gallery panel, will cost one hundred dollars ($100) extra.
A two wheel tender, wheels six feel diameter, and strong, spool to carry 800 or 1000 feel New York stand, hose, .spool bands brass plated, brass handles, brass crab and hand holds to tongue, brass hub bands, brass roller flanges, spanner box with brass heads, or frame arranged to carry two spanners and two hose tulips; portions of frame brass-plated, painted, with rope- wrenches, &c complete, and of best materials, for the sum of three hundred dollars ($300. )
The above is about one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) advance on the cost of the Monumental Engine, of San Francisco— caused by the great advance in a number of the materials, used in the construction of fire apparatus, some of which have advanced over 100 per cent.
To ornament the engine (without folders) entirely of German sliver, of best quality, will be an additional cost of six hundred dollars ($600.) With folders, seventy-five dollars ($75) additional to the above.
The above estimates are for cash on delivery, at our establishment in Baltimore— the contracting parties paying all package, portage, insurance, freight, &c., to be paid as follows : Fifteen hundred dollars, ($1500) half the amount appropriated by the Common Council, upon the receipt of bills of lading; fifteen hundred dollar, ($1500), the balance of the appropriation, upon the arrival of the engine, &c., at San Francisco; one-half of the balance, over and above three thousand dollars ($3000) appropriated by the Common Council, to be paid by the company upon the receipt of the bills of lading. The other half of balance upon the arrival of the engine at San Francisco— the amount to be for warded by drafts on Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York.
The openings will be New York stand. 2 1/2 inches, inside diameter. We shall proceed with such portions of the work as will not be effected by your decisions in regard to finish.
We hope you will decide upon the German silver trimmings. In either case, we flatter ourselves to be able to furnish you with an engine that will be both an ornament to your Fire Department and one that cannot be excelled by any of its class.
You will please answer this by the return mail. Be particular in sending the additions you may decide upon.
We received a letter from Mr. S. MarshalL, Foreman of the Company, and will answer him also by this mail.
With respect, we remain, yours, very truly,
John Rogers & Son.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 13, Number 1919, 21 May 1857 — EL DORADO COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Young America in Sacramento
1857 June 5
— Young America Engine Co. No. 6 (Sacramento) have appropriated the sum of $1,200 to be expended in the adornment of the new engine recently ordered from the establishment of Rogers & Sons, of Baltimore. The engine will be of the same size of Monumental 6, of San Francisco, which visited the city at the time of the great fire in July, 1854, and will weigh about 4,300 pounds. Its mountings will be silver plated, iron work polished and box painted black, with ornamental paintings, &c. The total cost will be $4,200, of which $3,000 will be defrayed by the city.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 13, Number 1932, 5 June 1857 — CITY INTELLIGENCE. [ARTICLE]
1857 September 1
Communication from John Rodgers & Son, of Baltimore, announcing that they have concluded to build the new engine for Engine Company No. 6 for $3,700 and the hose carriage for $400; that the statement on behalf of the city in regard to the payments are perfectly satisfactory and that they expect to be able to deliver the engine by March 1st, 1858. They promise to communicate as the engine progresses.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 13, Number 2007, 1 September 1857 — Common Council Proceedings. [ARTICLE]
1858 December 28
– Messrs. John Rodgers & Son, whose names are entirely familiar with almost everybody connected with fire engines, have just completed a first-class engine and hose carriage, built for the “Young America Fire Company,” of San Francisco, California, and a hose reel to match the engine. The Young America is ranged as No. 6. A two wheel hose reel, made to match, the wheels being six feet in diameter, and companies the engine. It is mounted and painted in a similar style to the engine. It is fitted out with five hundred feet of hose, made by Mr. H. P. Horton, of this city. Capt. Michael McDonald and R P Bayley were the committee here to superintend its construction, under direction from Mr. George P. Hossefross, an old Baltimorean, but now of San Francisco. The machines will be shipped at the first opportunity for their destination at San Francisco.
Source: The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 28 December 1858
1859 May 25
In part
President Nichols presiding. Reading of minutes dispensed with. Supervisor Leavitt, from Finance Committee, .reported favorably en bill of John Rodgers & Son, of Baltimore, for balance ($2.919 58) due for new engine of Engine Company No. 6, Ordered paid.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2546, 25 May 1859 — Board of Supervisors. [ARTICLE]
1859 June 29
The fire engine for Young America, No. 6, of this city, has arrived in San Francisco
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2576, 29 June 1859 — NEWS OF THE MORNING. [ARTICLE]
1858 June 29
The new engine and hose carriage for Young America Engine Company No. 6 arrived is morning on the ship Arab, from Philadelphia
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 179, 29 June 1859 — From Evening Edition [ARTICLE]
1859 June 29
The fire engine for Young America Company, No. 6, is on board. Bark Magnolia,
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2576, 29 June 1859 — BY THE STATE TELEGRAPH LINE. [ARTICLE]
1859 July 13
The members of Monumental, No. 6, who have taken charge of Young America Engine, which lately arrived from Baltimore proceeded last evening, with the new machine to the corner of Battery and California, to try its merits. The trial resulted as follows : — Through 1 1-16 inch nozzle and fifty feet of hose, side stream, 192 feet; through gallery stream same size nozzle, 197 feet; through gallery stream, 1 1/4 inch nozzle, perpendicular stream. 187 feet—which is considered rather tall throwing for a new engine. On returning to their house, the members regaled themselves, and had a merry time generally. The machine will be taken to Sacramento on the 25th of July.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 192, 13 July 1859 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
1859 July 25
San Francisco News—
Monumental Engine Company, No. 6, will proceed to Sacramento and escort Young America, No. 6, to its destination. The company have chartered the steamer New World as a conveyance
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2597, 25 July 1859 — BY THE STATE TELEGRAPH LINE. [ARTICLE]
City Items.
1859 July 25
— The steamer New World, having been chartered by the Monumental Company, of this city, to convey the new engine for Young America Engine Company, No. 6, of Sacramento, which arrived on the ship Arab, some weeks ago, will leave Jackson street wharf this evening, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The engine will be escorted to the destination by a delegation from each of the fire companies of the city. A full band of music will attend the company on their excursion. The procession will form at No. 6 Engine House, on Brenham Place and march up Washington street to Stockton, through Stockton, Green, Powell, Broadway, Dupont, Washington, Montgomery, Second, Howard, First, Bush, Sansome and Jackson streets to the boat.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 204, 25 July 1859 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
1859 July 26
Firemen's Parade on Tuesday, July 25th, in honor of the reception of the Monumental Engine Co., No. 6, of San Francisco, having in charge the new engine of Young America Co., No. 6, of this city. The line will form at 10 o'clock A. M. on J street, right resting on Tenth street ; countermarching they will proceed down J to Eighth, down Eighth to K, down K to Fifth, up Fifth to I, down I to Fourth, down Fourth to L, down L to Third, down Third to 0, dawn 0 to Second, up Second to J, up J to Seventh, up Seventh to H, up H to Tenth, down Tenth to Young America Engine House, where they will be dismissed.
Marshal of the Day.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2598, 26 July 1859 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
City Intelligence.
1859 July 26
— It has been announced that Monumental Engine Company, No. 6, of San Francisco, would leave that city on Monday evening, on the steamer New World— chartered for the occasion— and bring with them the new apparatus recently arrived from the establishment of Rodgers & Son, of Baltimore, for Young America Engine Company, No. 6, of this city. The Monumentals, preceded by the American Brass Band of fourteen pieces, accompanied by Chief Engineer F. E. K. Whitney, and First Assistant Engineer David T. Van Orden, of the San Francisco Department, leaving marched from their house as follows : Through Brenham Place to Washington street, thence to Stockton, through Stockton to Green, thence to Broadway, Broadway to Dupont, Dupont to Washington, Washington to Montgomery, Montgomery into Second, Second to Howard, Howard to First, First to Bush, Bush to Sansome, Sansome to Jackson, and through Jackson street to the boat, having with them their own engine and the apparatus of the Young Americas. There were of the Company seventy-two members present, all in full uniform officers as follows: Foreman, Geo. H. Hossefross; First Assistant Foreman, Joseph Capprise; Second Assistant Foreman, Geo. W. Cornell; Chief Engineer of Company, Joseph S. Hess; First Assistant Engineer, Henry Hall; Second Assistant Engineer, W. D. Hall; Secretary, John L. Yeates, Jr. Treasurer, Joseph Figel. After a lively and pleasant trip the boat arrived here about 6 a. m. Meantime due preparation bad been made here for their proper reception. Flags were displayed from the houses of the several fire companies, and from the top of the flag staff on the house of Engine 6 were stretched lines either way, from which were pendent the flags of all nations, presenting a pleasing appearance, and in front of the building, just above the entrance, was conspicuously displayed the following: " Welcome, Monumentals" encircling the representation of two arms and clasped hands, the arms being the one clothed in drab and the other in red— the colors of the respective companies. On the arrival of the boat the Monumentals were welcomed by successive discharges of ordnance by members of Knickerbocker Engine Company, No. 5 and at the same time the bell of Engine Company No. 6 rang a merry peal About half-past 6 a. m, Engine Company No. 6 proceeded to the boat with the Sacramento Union Brass Band, received their guests with the customary ceremonies, and marched thence to their house, where apparatus of the two Companies was housed. Thence both Companies adjourned to the St. George for breakfast. About 10 o'clock am they reassembled at the house of Engine 6, and being subsequently joined Engine Companies No. 3, 4 and 5, and Hose Company No. l, with their apparatus, a delegation from Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 and the Chief and Assistant Engineers of the Department, a procession was formed and marched through the principal streets of the city (saluting the engine houses en passant) and returned to the house of Engine 6, where the procession was disbanded. The fallowing is the numerical force of the parade: Engine 3, 50; Engine 4, 64; Engine 5, 50; Hose 1, 25; Hook and Ladder 2 (delegation) 10; Monumentals, 72 ; Engine 6, 82. The display was very creditable to each of the Companies. About 8 p. m. the two 6’s, with their respective bands, marched across the Sacramento bridge, and returning proceeded to the St. George to dinner. During the day the Monumentals received an invitation to visit the Panorama, but were compelled to decline the same in consequence of prior engagements. They will leave for the Bay about 2 o’clock this afternoon. At 10 o'clock this morning, their engine, as well is that of No. 6, will be tried publicly in front of the St. George, to enable our citizens to judge more particularly whether the latter is commendable rather as a piece of ornamental than for service at a fire. Engine Company No. 3 have extended to the two 6's an invitation to partake of a cold collation at their house to-day.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2599, 27 July 1859 — CITY INTELLIGENCE. [ARTICLE]
Placed into service July 26, 1859, Young America Co. No. 6, Sacramento Fire Department
1862 August 8
In part
— Located on Tenth street, between 1 and J streets, two story brick building ; needs some repairs, from effects of floods— city property ; engine first class, 10 inch cylinders, 9 inch stroke, built by John Rodgers, Baltimore ; two-wheeled hose tender, both in good condition city property; also, third class engine, 7 inch cylinder, 9 inch stroke, built by Rodgers, of Baltimore; two wheeled hose tender, both in good condition — company property; 400 feet of hose, very poor indeed; S. Tryon, Foreman : 89 members.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 23, Number 3545, 8 August 1862 — BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. [ARTICLE]
1888 June 16
The Veteran Firemen's Association have sent a notice to the Fourth of July Committee, stating they would parade 175 men in uniform on the Fourth. They will also have their new engine in line.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 14168, 16 June 1888 — The Veteran Firemen. [ARTICLE]

Young America Engine Co. No. 6 Sacramento Fire Department
1888 July 5
In part
The appearance of the firemen, both the Exempts and the Veteran Fireman's Association, was among the most striking features of the parade. The old fellows looked as brave and heartys as when they ran with the machine many years ago. This is the first time the Veterans have turned out on the Fourth of July of late, and their appearance, with their engine as bright as a new dollar, and their handsome uniforms, was something to be proud of. Following them was a handsomely decorated car, bearing the Goddess of Liberty and twenty-one young ladies who represented the companies of the old fire department. Another very handsome float was that representing "Eureka," drawn by six magnificent gray Clydesdale horses, belonging .to the Wielands. Many of the legions of the A.O.U.W. appeared in line and looked exceedingly well. The Exempts' engine, drawn by one hundred men, and the little old engine of 1848, drawn by boys in uniform, were very pleasing features.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 14186, 5 July 1888 — THE PARADE. [CHAPTER]
1888 August 3
The Veteran Firemen Association of California, an organization recently formed in San Francisco, is preparing to visit Sacramento and partake with the Pioneers and Native Sons of the Golden West in the celebration of Admission Day, September 9th next.
The Secretary of the Exempt Firemen's Association of this city is in receipt of a communication from General Passenger and Ticket Agent, D. B. Jackson, of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, who is Chairman of the Veteran Firemen's Executive Committee, stating that the new association contemplates a visit to this city on Admission Day, and asking if the Sacramento association will receive their San Francisco brethren and provide storage for their engine which will accompany them. Mr. Jackson goes on to state that his committee is about to make arrangements for the transportation of the association and its equipments, (sic) and perfect other arrangements for the excursion.
The Veteran Firemen of California are not a distinctively San Francisco organization. The society was formed chiefly for the purpose of some time in the future returning the visit of the New York firemen, whose junketing tour across the continent last fall was one of the events of California's history last year. There are several Sacramento members of the association, and the rolls are open to all exempt firemen in California.
Many old Sacramentans (sic) will be pleased to see again the engine which the new association carries with it. It is one of the largest old-fashioned double-decker hand engines on the coast, and was originally the "machine" of our own Sacramento Company, “The Young America, No. 6” of the Volunteer Department, whose engine house on Tenth street, opposite the Plaza, is still one of the fire department buildings.
The "Vets'' secured old No. 6 from an up country district, where she was still in service, and have had the machine put in first-rate trim. Drawn by a rope by a hundred old volunteers the engine must form an interesting and conspicuous feature in a California parade.
Mr. Jackson's letter will be considered at the next meeting of the Exempts, Monday evening.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 59, Number 139, 3 August 1888 — OLD VETS. [ARTICLE]
1888 August 8
At its last monthly meeting the Exempt Firemen's Association of this city considered, among other matters, the question of the reception of the Veteran Firemen's Association of California, which contemplates joining in the celebration of Admission Day. September 9th, with the Pioneers of Sacramento and NT S. G. W. of the State. The communication of Chairman D. B. Jackson, of San Francisco, Chairman of the Veterans' Executive Committee, asking that the Exempts tender the veterans a reception on the occasion of their excursion to this city, brought out a lively discussion in which James McGuire, J. V. McGuire, Frank Swift. James H. Sullivan, S. S. Nixon, Martin Steinmetz, P. Rice and other officials and members took part. It was stated that the so-called Veterans' Association is not composed of the exempt firemen of San Francisco or of the state. The Exempt Fire Company of San Francisco is a wholly different organization, and is alone a kindred body with the Sacramento exempts. Had they meditated the trip to this city, the Exempts would cheerfully accord them such a reception as they would merit, and of that generous sort for which hospitable Sacramento is famous. But the Veterans' organization has been the arena of many acrimonious disputes over the character of its membership. Many men who have no credit of active volunteer service are upon its rolls, and but very few of them are genuine firemen. It was stated that the society was gotten up for speculative purposes and is not worthy of the recognition of the Sacramento or San Francisco associations. The meeting thereupon ordered the letter on file and instructed the Secretary to reply to the Veterans' Committee, positively and respectfully declining to receive the excursionists on Admission Day.
Source: Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 59, Number 143, 8 August 1888 — The Veteran Firemen. [ARTICLE]
1889 August 28
The Veteran Firemen's Association met at their room in Pioneer Building last evening, John Fay presiding. The object of the meeting was to arrange for the excursion to Santa Cruz on September 7th to 9th. A letter from the General Committee at Santa Cruz was received, stating that a reception committee of ladies had been appointed to entertain the ladies accompanying the excursion. Committees on procession, barbecue and parade were appointed. The parade will be an especial feature, and firemen from Gilroy. Monterey, Salinas and other towns will take part. General Miles has accepted an invitation to participate, and the United States troops stationed at Santa Cruz will turn out. The excursion tickets will be good from Saturday, the 7th, until Tuesday, the 10th. And excursionist can return on any train the last two days. The entertainments at Santa Cruz will comprise a ball on Saturday night, on Sunday a barbecue, Monday morning the parade and the tournament in the afternoon. The engine “Young America," No. 6, of the Sacramento Fire Department, has been put in thorough repair and is now in first-class condition, and will be taken down and used in the procession.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 81, Number 59, 28 August 1889 — THE VETERAN FIREMEN. [ARTICLE]
1889 September 29
In part
A large-sized fire-alarm gong has been placed in the rooms of the Veteran Firemen, and the vets have announced their readiness to turn out in case of a conflagration. The old hand engine has been repaired and is now ready for service.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 81, Number 91, 29 September 1889 — AROUND THE CITY. [ARTICLE]
1890 June 29
The veteran firemen are painting and polishing up the old fire engine, which they propose taking with them on their Fourth of July excursion to Vallejo. This engine is 80 years old. It once belonged to "Old Six" of Sacramento and was known as the “Young America," but afterward was sold to Vallejo, where it was known as No. 6 of Vallejo. More recently the veteran firemen of San Francisco purchased it as a relic. Miss May Cressey, who will accompany the "boys" to sing, "When we ran with the Old Machine," will be dressed in a gorgeous fireman's new uniform adapted to feminine wear.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 68, Number 29, 29 June 1890 — “The Old Masheen." [ARTICLE]
1896 - OAKLAND, Cal,., Feb. 22
— About half an hour after the announced time the procession started. Scores of trumpets and thousands of cheering people accompanied the initial move. Chief of Police Lloyd and a solid line of officers led the way. Grand Marshal Henry Dalton came next. He was on a fine white horse. He wore a broad bash of gold-colored silk extending over the right shoulder and fastened on the left side by golden stars.
The Veteran Firemen of San Francisco made, their first appearance in this city, headed by their own band of eighteen pieces. They were a stalwart set of men, and each wore his heavy black helmet, red shirt and black cravat, black belt and trousers. The ropes that hauled the engine were passed along the whole length of the red-shirted line. The officers of the Veteran Firemen came next.
The marshal was Joseph Marchall, who while a member of the Exempt and Veteran Firemen, is also president of the Veterans and a member of the Fire Commissioners' Board of San Francisco. His aid was the stalwart S. Bunner. Both of these gentlemen carried a traditional silver trumpet, the bell of which was filled with a beautiful bouquet presented by Mrs. Lily Hitchcock Coit, who in the days when the boys ran with the machine, ran also, as a member of Company No. 5 over in San Francisco. Mrs. Coit is now a full-fledged active member of the Veterans. It is needless to say the bouquets were appreciated by the recipients.
Behind the company rolled the hand engine "Veteran." It is a stately mass of varnished and highly polished iron and glistening brass, appropriately inscribed, It was sparsely decorated with flowers, because flowers would only hide the brakes, the dome, the sides and other features which are reminders of a method of fire-fighting known no more in large cities.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 79, Number 85, 23 February 1896 — THE PARADE. [CHAPTER]
1896 April 29
The Veteran Volunteer Firemen had quite a spirited meeting last night at their hall. An invitation from the citizens and firemen of Healdsburg was accepted to participate in the floral fiesta to be held there on May 6, 7, and 8.
They will leave on May 6 at 2 p. m. from their hall and march down Market to Kearny to California street, to the ferry, with their own band, and their double-decker engine "Veteran," which has been painted in the latest artistic style by Felix Desmond, one of the vets. On one side is the portrait of the first chief of the San Francisco Volunteer Fire Department, Fred D. Kohler 1850. On the other side the last chief of the volunteer fire department, which went out at 12 p. m. on the 3d of December 1866. The front panel is the picture of the old Cliff House; the back one represents the burning of the old storeship in 1854.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 79, Number 151, 29 April 1896 — VOLUNTEER FIREMEN. [ARTICLE]
1896 May 7
The Veteran Firemen of this City started yesterday for the floral fete at Healdsburg and presented a very attractive appearance as they marched from their headquarters at the Pioneer building on Fourth street to the ferry. About 150 of the veteran firefighters, all attired in red shirts, helmets, etc., started out at 3 o'clock with the old veteran hand fire engine in tow. This engine is a pioneer on this coast and many years ago when it was in Sacramento it was called the Young America. The old engine has recently been repaired and repainted in a most artistic manner.
In addition to the fancy touches of the artist, several pictures of the firemen of former times have been added to its decorations. On one side is the picture of Charles D. Kohler, the first chief of the Volunteer department and on the other the picture of the late David Scannell, the last chief of the same organization. On the front is a fire scene, the burning of the old store ship in the Bay of San Francisco in 1853. The rear shows a picture of the old Cliff House that also fell a victim of the flames.
When the procession (sic) started out Hugh J. Colville and James Desmond held the position of honor on the tongue. The veterans took their own band and to-day the band, veterans and engine will take part in the parade at Healdsburg.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 79, Number 159, 7 May 1896 — OFF FOR HEALDSBURG, [ARTICLE]

The Veteran Hand Engine on a visit to Eureka, circa 1900
1896 September 19
In part
To-night will be Firemen's night. The celebration will be held under the auspices of the Veteran Firemen's Association of this City. The historical engine, Young America, of Sacramento, will be on exhibition at the Pavilion during the day. At night the old-time fire laddies will give a realistic exhibition of fire fighting in the pioneer days, and will give an illustration of how the pumps work. In addition to working the engine the men will sing some of the old songs that were famous and popular at the fires in the early fifties.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 80, Number 111, 19 September 1896 — ATHLETES ENTERTAIN. [ARTICLE]
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