Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum

The 20th Anniversary Celebration  of the October 17, 1989 Earthquake
The Big Rumble
Marina Greens - San Francisco

Event Photos Courtesy of Randy Dotson

"Frankie and the Phoenix" is a song written by Dr. Marc Goldyne. This performance was recorded at the Marina Green on October 17, 2009, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. 

Frankie & The Phoenix, by Marc Goldyne
Frankie and the Phoenix just passed the time away
At engine station 35, along San Francisco Bay
A hydrant that was portable and a fireboat with pride
The two were waiting for the chance of working side by side.
But City Hall told the Phoenix it's time she should retire
We've got enough equipment here for fighting any fire.
Mayor Feinstein stood her ground and strongly disagreed
This fireboat must keep afloat for future times of need.
Frankie and the Phoenix just waiting for the day
To put some big time fires out along San Francisco Bay.
And just when everybody thought that City Hall was right
The ground beneath San Francisco shook and all the birds took flight.
Walls came down throughout the town; it was a scary scene!
And a blazing fire grew higher and higher near the Marina Green.
When firefighters came to douse the flames, they gave a mighty sigh
Because underground, the water mains had cracked and now were dry.
No water for the hoses, no water in the mains
And now the whole Marina could all go up in flames!
Frankie and the Phoenix just waiting for the day
To put some big time fires out along San Francisco Bay.
A call to station 35 and help was on its way.
The Phoenix sped along the docks of San Francisco Bay.
She pulled up to the seawall about two blocks from the blaze,
Then she and Frankie got to work to try and save the day.
The Phoenix quickly started pumping water from the Bay
With hoses run through Frankie's arms to firefighters blocks away.
With Frankie's special hoses enough water was supplied
And the whole Marina gave a cheer as the fire slowly died.
Frankie and the Phoenix, the heroes of the day
Just put the biggest fire out along San Francisco Bay
Frankie and the Phoenix, both are doing fine
Because they saved the whole Marina in the quake of '89!

Event Photos Courtesy of Randy Dotson

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