Elbert F. Barbier - November 27, 1860 (#8)
St. Francis Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 - Dupont Street
Lyceum Theater fire - Washington & Montgomery
(all companies responded)
1860 November 28
At half past 7 o'clock, this morning, a fire broke out in the Lyceum Theatre, comer of Washington and Montgomery streets. The building was completely consumed, only the walls remaining. The losers by the fire arc Mr. Thomas Adams, who shortly since leased the Theatre. His loss is between $10,000 and $12,000. In the basement, Hein's leather and finding depot, loss about $1,000. J. R. Prior, gas fitting establishment, loss about $1,000. Claude Long, fancy goods, about $10,000. Mr. Elbert Barbier, a volunteer member of St. Francis Hook and Ladder Company, was severely if not fatally injured, by falling from the awning in front of the building.
Source: Marysville Daily Appeal, Volume 2, Number 266, 28 November 1860 — San Francisco News. [ARTICLE]
1960 November 29
At seven o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. Alphonso F. Barbier died at the Track House of St. Francis Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. He had full possession of his faculties up to the last minute, and died cheerfully and resigned. No inquest was held, but a post mortem by Drs. Gray and Sharkey discovered that four of the vertebrae of the spinal column had been crushed, causing the paralysis which continued until his death. It is considered by his physician remarkable that be survived his injuries as long as be did. The funeral will take place to-day from the Truck House the expenses of which, we presume, will be borne by the Firemen's Charitable Fund.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 3943, 29 November 1860 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
1860 November 29
At a meeting last evening, of St. Francis Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, the following preamble and resolutions were infamously adopted;
Whereas, it has pleased an all-wise and just Providence to remove from our midst, in the bloom of youthful manhood, Alphonso F. Barbier, late volunteer associate of St. Francis Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, therefore be it
Resolved, That we deeply deplore the loss of our late volunteer associate; that in him we recognize these noble traits of daring and intrepid as a fireman which endeared him to us and the Department.
Resolved, That we tender to the friends and relatives of the deceased our inmost sympathies and condolence in this great bereavement of one endeared to them by so many noble traits of character.
Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning, for 30 days.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the daily papers, and a copy be transmitted by our Secretary to the relatives of the deceased.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 3943, 29 November 1860 —. [ARTICLE]
1860 November 30
The funeral of Alphonse F. Barbier took place yesterday from the truck house of St. Francis Hook and Ladder Company, and was attended by that and members of other companies of the Department, and numerous friends and relatives of the deceased. Mr. Barbier has fallen in the pride and bloom of manhood, and leaves behind him many sincere mourners.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 3944, 30 November 1860 — SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, NOV. 30 CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
Extracted from original sources with grammar and spelling as published.
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