William Louderbach - August 20, 1859 (#7)
Tiger Engine Co. No. 14 - 144 - 2nd Street
1859 August 21
At the alarm of fire last evening about 8 o’clock, which proved to be unfounded, a terrible and fatal accident occurred ta Mr. Wm. Louderback, of the firm of Louderback & Baldwin, Jewelers, of Washington street. Mr. L. was a member of Tiger Engine Company, No. 14— a Company which he joined only some three weeks since. It appears that while running to the fire with the Engine, his foot tripped, and he fell, the Engine passing over his stomach. As its weight estimated over 3,400 pounds, some idea may be formed of the cruel nature of the accident. The occurrence took place on Montgomery street, between Pine and Bush streets, and the injured man was conveyed to the drug store of Mr. Wm. H. Woods, at the corner at Montgomery and Bosh streets, where. In spite of all that could be done, he shortly afterwards expired. Mr. Londerback was a native of Ireland, 32 years of age, and leaves a wife and three young children.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 231, 21 August 1859 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
1859 August 22
Coroner McNulty held an inquest yesterday, at the Engine House of Tiger Company, No. 14, upon the body of William Louderback, a member of that Company, who was killed on Saturday evening, by being run over by the engine while on the way to a fire. Several witnesses were examined, but the facts elicited were not materially different from the statement already published. It appeared that Mr. Louderback had been a member of the Tiger Company since the first of July. At the time of the alarm for the Second District, Mr. L. had hold of the rope near the tongue of the engine. While passing down Montgomery street, between Pine and Bush, he tripped and fell, and the engine passed over his side, causing the injuries which resulted in his death in a few minutes afterwards. The deceased was a native of Philadelphia, aged 32 yean. He has been In this country since 1850, and always sustained a high reputation for honor, honesty and good fellowship, His funeral will take place at two o'clock P. M., to-day, from his residence. No. 19 Minnie street. The Fire Department will attend his remains to their last resting place. The City Hall bell will be tolled during the funeral ceremonies. Should a fire occur daring the procession, the bell will be rung for a general alarm before striking the district.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 232, 22 August 1859 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]
1859 August 22
In this city, August 20th, Mr. WILLIAM LOUDERBACK, a native of Philadelphia, aged 35 years, 6 months and 11 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on this day, at 2 o'clock, P.M., from the Church of the Advent, corner of Second and Mission, …..Philadelphia, New York and Iowa papers, please copy.
Source: Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 232, 22 August 1859 — DIED. [ARTICLE]
Extracted from original sources with grammar and spelling as published.