Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum
Vintage Firehouses - Engine Company No. 27:
Engine Company No. 27
52 Waller Street
52 Waller Street
52 Waller Street November, 2002

52 Waller Street November, 2002

52 Waller Street November, 2002


Engine Company No. 27 - 1886
52 Waller Street (mapped location)

Neighborhood: Fillmore

Company History:
1893   Engine Co. No. 19 organized and assigned to quarters
1897   Engine Co. No. 19 relocated to new quarters at 1421 Market Street
1906   Earthquake or Fire damage to the firehouse, $500
1906   Engine Co. No. 19 relocated from1421 Market Street
1916   Engine Co. No. 19 disbanded
1916   Engine Co. No. 27 relocated from 349 Hermann Street and converted to motorized apparatus
1942   Auxiliary Engine Co. No. 6 organized and assigned to quarters
1950   Engine Co. No. 27 relocated to new quarters at 135 Sanchez Street
1950   Auxiliary Engine Co. No. 6 relocated to new quarters at 135 Sanchez Street. Sold at a City & County of San Francisco public auction

Built as a Corporate Yard to store Department apparatus and supplies, this simple one-story building was later used as a stable for the Department's beloved firehorses  has a pediment adorned with the S.F.F.D. emblem above the main door.  In 1916 Engine Company No. 27 was assigned to quarters bringing with them a 1914 American LaFrance Type 21, registry #3420, front drive chain drive 6 cylinder 105 HP engine with a Metropolitan double 8 inch piston 700 GPM steam engine. This hidden gem firehouse survived the1906 Great Earthquake and Fire with modest damage, and now houses a private school.

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