Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum
Vintage Firehouses - Engine Company No. 16:
Engine 16 - 909 Tennessee Street
Engine 16 - 909 Tennessee Street
Engine 16 - 909 Tennessee Street
Built 1926
Block - 4108
Lot Size 50' X 100'
Opened 1926

Engine Company No. 16 - 1926
909 Tennessee Street (mapped location)

Neighborhood: Dogpatch

Company History:
1926   Engine Co. No. 16 relocated from old quarters at 1009 Tennessee Street
1926   Battalion 10 relocated from Engine Co. No. 48, 798 Wisconsin Street
1926   November 1st, Battalion 10 relocated to the quarters of Truck Co. No. 11, 315 Duncan Street
1926   November 1st, Battalion 11 relocated from Engine Co. No. 49, 2155 - 18th Avenue
1961   May 2nd, Battalion District No. 11 relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No 48, 798 Wisconsin Street.
1970   July 1st, Engine Co. No. 16, deactivated and placed out of service, budget cuts

City Architect John Reid Jr. designed this two-story brick structure to replace the original 1887 home of 16 Engine that was a block away at 1009 Tennessee Street.  A two-story brick firehouse with a cornice brightened with small colored tiles, terra cotta keystones accent the arched dormitory windows and plaques above the doors.  Off of Third Street, near the Pier 70 complex,    in what is called the "Dogpatch"  section of the Potrero District, Engine Company 16 was considered a waterfront company. From the 1880's through World War II the Potrero Point Pier 70 area was a very active shipbuilding and steel manufacturing district. It became the largest civilian shipyard on the west coast.  This firehouse is located on a bigger plot of land owned the City. To the rear of the firehouse on the corner of 3rd and 19th Streets are the former Potrero Police Station and the neighbor Public Health Emergency room.  Engine Company No.16 was disbanded on July 1, 1970, due to ordered City budget cuts to the Fire Department.  From 1970 to 1976 the firehouse was used by Toy Program.  From 1976 to 1992 the house was used as a Museum annex apparatus workshop and collection storage area.  Since 1992 the firehouse is being used by the Department for storage.

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