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Vintage Firehouses - Engine Company No. 1:
Engine No. 1

Engine Company No. 1 - 1908
451 Pacific Avenue (mapped location)

Neighborhood: Jackson Square (Barbary Coast)

Company History:
1906   Earthquake or Fire damage to the old house at 419 Pacific, $12,000.  Cost of the new firehouse, $18,000
1908   Engine Co. No. 1 relocated from temporary quarters after the 1906 Fire
1910   Battery Co. No. 3 organized and assigned to quarters
1911   Battery Co. No. 3 relocated to the quarters of Chemical Co. No. 3, 128 Jackson Street
1918   Converted to motorized apparatus
1926   Hose Tender Co. No. 8 organized and assigned to quarters
1952   Auxiliary Engine Co. No. 21 organized and assigned to quarters
1956   January 23rd, Hose Tender Co. No. 8 relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 28, 1814 Stockton Street
1957   April 1st, Auxiliary Engine Co. No. 21 relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 12, 115 Drumm Street
1958   April 9th, Engine Co. No. 1 relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 12, 115 Drumm Street. Sold at a City & County of San Francisco public auction

City architect Newton J. Tharp replaced Engine No.1's one-story firehouse, which was built in 1868 and destroyed in the1906 Fire, with a two-story brick building which is similar to Engine Co. No.2, 460 Bush Street.  Built in the civically minded "City Beautiful" style, the building has a simple cornice and a large arched doorway.  The 1907 cost of this firehouse was $18,000.  In 1918 Engine No.1 made the changeover to motorized apparatus by being assigned a 1918 Seagrave double combination 750 GPM single stage centrifugal pump with 6 cylinder 79.3 HP engine.  It was owned at one time by Mr. Leslie Grubin, and now houses an advertising agency.

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