Fire Chief's Residence - 1922
870 Bush Street (mapped location)
“The Dennis T. Sullivan Memorial Fire Chief's Home”
San Francisco Official Landmark 42
Neighborhood: Lower Nob Hill
City Architect John Reid Jr. designed the Fire Chief's residence to look like a firehouse. San Francisco was the country's first city to have a separate building for its chief. It was built by donations of the City's firemen and by public subscription. It is now Official City Landmark No. 42. A bronze tablet dedicates the building to the beloved Chief Engineer Dennis Sullivan, who was fatally injured by the Earthquake of 1906. George Sterling's quote on the plaque reads in part, "By fire shall hearts be proven, lest virtue's gold grow dim, and his by fire was tested, in life's ordeal of him."

1954 addition to the house by Local 798 IAFF |

Dedication of Dennis T. Sullivan Memorial Fire Chief's Home
March 16, 1922

Dedication of Dennis T. Sullivan Memorial Fire Chief's Home
March 16, 1922