Organized: 1898

Water Tower Co. 2
1898 Gorter 65 foot Water Tower
In front of quarters 676 Howard Street,
between 1930 and 1934
Note that the tower still has its solid wooden wheels
1926 Kleiber tractor, registration #4229 |
Location: Financial District
1898 Assigned to the quarters of Water Tower Co. No. 1, 104 New Montgomery Street as unmanned special call unit
Location: South of Market
1901 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 144 - 2nd Street as a manned company
1906 After 18th, relocated to 524 - 10th Street due to the Earthquake and Fire as unmanned special call unit
1912 April 12th, reorganized as a manned company and assigned to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 6, 356 - 7th Street
1917 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 676 Howard Street as an unmanned special call company
1930 October 20th, converted from horse drawn to motorized and placed in service as a manned company
1956 January 23rd, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 29, 299 Vermont Street
1958 March 1st, changed to an unmanned special call unit
Location: Hunters Point
1958 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 11, 1295 Shafter Avenue
1970 Company disbanded
Horse Drawn: 3 horses
1901 - 1970
I898 65 foot, Henry H. Gorter Water Tower. Built at the San Francisco Fire Department Corporation Yard
Raised by two Pelton water wheels
Gorter High Pressure Battery turret installed on chassis
SFFD Shop # WT-2
Crew: Two firemen on each shift
1930 October 20th, converted to motorized with a 1926 Kleiber tractor, registration #4229, TR-30, attached to the tower
1930 July, electric spotlight attached to nozzle barrel of mast turret
1934 Pneumatic tires installed
1954 May 1st, 1926 Kleiber registration #4228, TR-29, attached to the tower
c.1955 On responding to an alarm the tower “harpooned” the side of a tall delivery truck which caused the mast to be reduced by 10 feet
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