Organized: July 1, 1891
Location: Financial District
1891 July 1st, assigned to quarters at 50 Sacramento Street
Location: South of Market
1895 Relocated to the quarters of Chemical Engine Co. No. 1, 104 New Montgomery Street
1902 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 144 - 2nd Street
1906 Relocated to 524 - 10th Street due to the Earthquake and Fire (as unmanned special call unit)
1910 Reorganized and assigned to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 676 Howard Street
1920 July 21st, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 6, 356 - 7th Street and converted to a motorized unit
1925 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 676 Howard Street
1955 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 19, 1300 - 4th Street
Location: Financial District
1957 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 12, 115 Drumm Street
Location: South of Market
1958 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 4, 676 Howard Street
1968 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 19, 1300 - 4th Street
Location: Financial District
1970 Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 12, 115 Drumm Street
1975 Company disbanded
Horse Drawn: 2 horses
July 1, 1891 - July 1, 1898:
1890 Hale 55 foot Water Tower
Hydraulically raised
SFFD Shop # WT-1 (note: The WT stands for Water Tower. The number 1 designates that it was the first water tower to be placed into service.)
Crew: Two firemen on each shift
1894 Converted to three-horse hitch
1895 Gorter High Pressure Battery turret installed on left rear of chassis
1897 June, rebuilt in the Corporation Yard Shop after damaged by a falling wall
1898 Placed into a reserve status
1909 Scrapped

Water Tower Co. No. 1
1890 Hale 55 foot Water Tower
In front the SFFD Corporation Yard, 52 Sacramento Street
Captain Frank Crockett is standing at the front wheel
This photo was taken circa 1890
July 1, 1898 - 1901:
Horse Drawn: 3 horses
I898 65 foot, Henry H. Gorter Water Tower. Built at the San Francisco Fire Department Corporation Yard
Raised by two Pelton water wheels
Gorter High Pressure Battery turret installed on chassis
SFFD Shop # WT-2
Crew: Two firemen on each shift
1901 - 1975:
1901 75 foot, Henry H. Gorter Water Tower built at the San Francisco Fire Department Corporation Yard
SFFD Shop # WT-3
Crew Two firemen on each shift
1929 December 6th, pneumatic tires installed.
1930 July, electric spotlight attached to nozzle barrel of mast turret
1921 July 21st, converted from horse drawn to motorized
Tractor Combinations:
1921 American LaFrance Type 17-6 tractor, registry #3452, shop number, TR-25, was attached to the tower. (TR stands for tractor)
1928 July 27th, 1926 Kleiber, registry #4228, tractor, shop number, TR-29
1929 November 26th, 1926 Kleiber, registry #4229, tractor, shop number, TR-30
1961 January 4th, 1939 Ahrens-Fox tractor, shop, TR-42
1971 March 1st, 1950 Seagrave tractor, shop number, TR-57
1975 Re-coupled to the 1926 Kleiber, shop number, TR-29 and transferred to the roster of the Museum
This unit is now part of the apparatus collection of the Museum.
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