1863 Engine: Cowing, Seneca Falls, New York, second class, side-lever engine in front of quarters
Center Street, east side, between Mission and Valencia Streets. At 16th (3160) and Albion Streets. A two story fireproof brick building, city property, in good order, 1860.
1860 Michael Hayes
1862 William Shear
1864 Arthur Quinn
1865 Isaac V. Denniston
1856 Engine: Hunneman No. 581 “Young America No. 13,” 6 inch cylinders, shipped, December 19, 1856, Sold in 1868 to Petaluma, California.
1860 Engine: James Smith, New York, third class, city property. Hose carriage, two wheel, James Smith, New York, city property.
1863 Engine: Cowing, Seneca Falls, New York, second class, side-lever engine, company property. Hose carriage, two wheel, city property.
1855 - 63
1860 - 60
1863 - 61
1864 - 65
1866 - 63
* YOUNG AMERICA ENGINE COMPANY, NO. 13, was the last organized, on the 1st of January, 1854, by citizens living at the Mission Dolores, for the protection of property in that neighborhood, which is between two and three miles from Portsmouth Square. Being so young, we can say no more concerning this company than to express a hope that their future will be characterized by the energy implied in the name they have chosen.
* Source: Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, M.D., and James Nisbet. The Annals of San Francisco. 1855: San Francisco.
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