Organized: December 3, 1866
Location: North Beach, Chinatown and the northern waterfront
1866 December 3rd, organized 627 Broadway Street
1906 April 18th, the firehouse, a two story brick building, valued at $10,000, was totally destroyed in the 1906 Fire
1906 After April 18th, the quarters at 627 Broadway Street are declared temporary
1916 Relocated to the new quarters of Engine Co. No. 5, 1340 Powell Street
1955 February, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 28, 1814 Stockton Street due to the rebuilding of the firehouse
1955 December 30th, returned to the new quarters of Engine Co. No. 5 1340 Powell Street
1992 November 20th, relocated to the new quarters of Engine Co. No. 38, 2150 California Street for the earthquake retrofitting of their firehouse
1994 April 6th, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 13, 530 Sansome Street
1995 May 6th, relocated to the new quarters of Engine Co. No. 5, 1340 Powell Street
Members of Truck Company No. 2:

Gabriel Woods 1891