Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum

Chemical Engine & Tank Wagon Companies


Chemical Engine Company No. 12
San Francisco Fire Department

Organized:  1911

Location:  Outer Sunset

1911   Assigned to quarters at 1348 - 45th Avenue

Location:  Parkside

1913   Relocated to new quarters 2156 - 19th Avenue

Location:  Miraloma Park

1931   Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 39, 1091 Portola Drive
1931   Company disbanded
1945   February 1st, reorganized and assigned to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 39, 1091 Portola Drive
1946   Company changed from a Chemical Engine to Tank Wagon Co. No. 12
1955   May, quarters heavily remodeled without relocating companies
1958   October, company disbanded

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