Guardians of The City Sheriff's Home Page
Infamous Inmates:

Sally Stanford

Sally Stanford

San Francisco's most famous madam, Sally Stanford, was arrested and tried at least twice in San Francisco. The first time was in the early l930's when Sally was using her original name, Mrs. Spagnioli. She was charged with operating a "bagnio" (bordello) in a small hotel she owned at the edge of the Tenderloin. Sally expressed herself as being utterly flabbergasted to learn that her tenants (all ladies) were consorting with strange gentlemen in return for financial consideration. In the idiom of the trade, she beat the rap. Sometime later, she changed her name to Stanford, taken in honor of the university of the same name.

Then, in November l949, a young woman who was arrested for "bag-swinging" on Eddy Street, claimed that she had worked in Sally's place.

Sally was arrested and prosecuted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Sally was acquitted again, but the damage was done. Times had changed. Sally retired from one profession, but opened a restaurant in Sausalito and eventually became vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, a Little League sponsor and ultimately the elected mayor of that city.

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